Friday, January 13, 2017

friday the thirteenth

Dear Ghosts,

I used to say I didn't believe in ghosts. Those ghost hunter shows were kind of a joke to me. But at this point I've experienced enough ghost sightings to know y'all are real. I used to think of you as like, a friendly white mist... or a comical green gloopy blob. Maybe even a creepy shadow or an ethereal glow.

Turns out you are actually just a twenty-something bro in a snapback.

You are real but I've learned that I don't need a seance to contact you. It doesn't happen by chanting in the dark around some candles or something. The easiest way to contact you is just by swiping right.

What I'm trying to say Mr. Ghost, is let's be done with this haunting.

You are a good guy. You have potential to be more. But unfortunately we live in a world where ghosting is often the rule rather than the exception. We leave people guessing because owning up to our thoughts and feelings would be too difficult. We hide behind our screens and simply hope that the other person can "take a hint".

You know how they say that honesty is the best policy? I don't know when that phrase came into play but I think we should make it our golden rule. Because yeah, we live in a day and age where "swiping right" is equivalent to sweeping someone off their feet and "lets chill" is a reasonable date request. But shouldn't an attempt at love ask for better than our "best"?

There's a reason we call it ghosting, because those ghosts continue to haunt. Never giving answers, simply bringing up more questions. Filling the crevices of your mind and looming in the corner whenever the potential of new love arrives. Reminding you that ghosts have come before so why shouldn't they come again?

I don't mean to sound bitter because I get it, I've been there.

I guess the point I'm trying to make is that while "all's fair in love and war", a little respect and honesty can go a long way.

So let's stop being ghosts and start being men.


The Haunted

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